Sunday, March 1, 2015


On February 9, 2015, I attended my cousin's church. I love something he spoke about and that was that several people don't want to suffer while walking on the Lord's path. At one moment, my cousin Miguel (pastor) said: "Can somebody look for me where in the bible it says that we will not suffer or are not supposed to." I learned by reading a book name, "Touch," by pastor Rudy Rasmus that we can't expect a path filled with nonstop happiness; That doesn't exist and like my cousin said,  "everybody who is mentioned in the bible faced tribulations." And although they suffered some got to see the glory of God right before their eyes. I know, I did that night in my cousin's church. The presence of God was so strong that I started dancing in the spirit like never before and minutes later I saw right before my eyes, how a lady was healed from her feet after having difficulty walking. 

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