Sunday, March 1, 2015

Destiny Doors

Pastor John Gray

       John Gray preached at Hillsong Church a few weeks ago when I attended the service on Sunday in Montclair, New Jersey. It was fascinating how this man of God managed to sustain a positive energy by bringing in so much laughter with his preaching. Although, with his loud tone of voice which often sounded authoritative, he spoke about how Jesus is that special door. Only Jesus's door is the door we can all easily enter through because he said: Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Too, John preached about the storm doors, revolving doors, trap doors.
        The storm doors are those doors that when we are under the rain, which are our circumstances, once we see a door nearby we enter inside to solve our issues. We only realize that we entered inside a storm door when things didn't work out and that means we didn't trust God. While the trap doors are those doors that we want to force ourselves inside forgetting that God is in control. And then after one trap door doesn't open, we head towards a similar one that if we do enter, once again we later learn that there was so much wrong going on inside. Then the last doors are revolving doors, in which we go around in a circle and we are basically stuck. A good example given by him was of a person in a hate and love relationship. While he was speaking the following he was going around in a circle: "Oh I love him so much," "I hate him, I can't stand him," "He is everything," "Get away from me!" Sadly, when a person goes inside a revolving door, only he/she decides if to step out of it; some people can stay inside a revolving door for years not noticing that God has a better destiny. I'll end this blog with what John first began his sermon: Revelation 3:8 "I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name." We can't forget that with perseverance, faith, trust in the Lord, He will open the right doors. Those doors don't consist of knocking, using a key, or forcing yourself inside.

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