Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 1, 2014-Prophetic Night To Remember

Last night that man of God in the picture sang a beautiful song that I believe he wrote. The song was name, "Miracle." He sang, "You converted water into wine and you redeemed my sins for your blood...." and that ''you," he mentioned was actually Jesus. As I listened to that song all I thought about how amazing God still is. That took place in the church I attended, which was my cousin's church who is a pastor just to spend time with God but the Lord had a surprise for me and my friend.  Before the service even started, I was expressing to my friend what I was feeling lately in the past days. I've been feeling pointed with a huge index finger for leaving the Catholic Church. I been told comments like: "I don't understand why you left the Catholic Church if we believe in the same God,"or "You are missing out on receiving the Eucharist," or "I am no one to judge you but I think you made the wrong choice." I think the last one I just stated is quite funny. Yet, the person is being judgmental without probably  realizing it. 
I know even today my mother would have love me to remain in the Catholic Church but unfortunately I have received revelation and confirmation through a dream after praying for a year. I remember how I said to my friend Mary that I did not want to disobey my mother. In the bible it clearly states how children should honor their parents but my friend reminded of this special verse from the book of Matthew 19:29
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields FOR MY SAKE will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit ETERNAL LIFE.
I know that if it was for my mother I would be working at a salon styling hairs on females or even doing their nails; That was her passion and it still is. She would often try to convince my sister and I into studying for that or other things. But, the Lord placed in my heart before I was even inside my mother's womb because He knew by my name that I was meant to love acting, singing, and writing. Besides, we are all different and unique in a special way that God only comprehends. I told my friend that if I had made the wrong decision I would have not felt the presence of God so strong and would have not had dreams like I been having them every once in a while. She simply said, "The Lord has remained with you." She was right. Her and I spoke about how everybody is different and how the Lord has a plan for every person. Most of the time is not the same plan as someone else. Therefore, I am so happy with the decision that I made and God gave my friend and I more confirmation about what we spoke about later in the service.
Three prophets preached last night. They could have preached about other things but God used them in such a way that I am still amazed even as I am writing this. None of them knew us, as a matter of fact I don't remember any of their names. Although what I recall for sure was some of the words they stated. They didn't speak at the same time, but each of them when it was their turn, they preached in a way I could not believe. Every word was like a current of a river. The current ran like inside my ears and my friend's too. We could not believe that each of them had prophesied exactly what my friend and I were talking about way before the service started. We laughed so hard from time to time and shouted, "Amen," or "Praise Jesus," or like my friend often says, "Thank you Jesus," and "That's so good." We received confirmation about decisions we had made in our lives. I just want to make a note here and say, none of those prophets mentioned the Catholic Church or spoke bad about anybody. Everything they said that I never thought they would preach about was just words that my friend and I had mentioned earlier when the room was still quite empty with barely any people. I would end this blog post by saying that God is faithful and He doesn't stop surprising me. Last night was one of the best nights of my life. I might have not felt the presence of God like I normally do if is very strong or I might have not received a vision or open vision but what I received last night was confirmation that God has agreed and will help me on my new journey. Praise Jesus!