Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Pastor Carl Lentz
          Several weeks ago, Pastor Carl Lentz celebrated the one year anniversary of HillsongNyc church in Montclair, New Jersey. His sermon consisted of a reminder about perseverance and how God's will works. HillsongNyc church has been an ongoing successful ministry ever since it was established in Australia. The church Hillsong was already in other countries like England, Australia, Moscow, and so on. But, it expanded to New York City and now Montclair, New Jersey.
          Pastor Carl Lentz spoke about the word uncomfortable on Sunday morning. No one can't expect the Lord's path to be full of joy. Circumstances in life can take a toll on a person during their walk with God. There is a reminder though and that is in the midst of trials God remains faithful. He is God and nothing is impossible for Him. Since nothing is impossible for Him, a person should trust Him during tribulations. After trust comes the fact that a person must obey God.
         Obedience for God means relational. A person can learn about obedience from sufferings that trials in life can often bring.Obedience in God doesn't always makes sense and it doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. It constantly produces praise.When a person has a relationship with God that person should trust God and obey Him. When a person does that, faith had been placed in the person's heart. Pastor Carl Lentz preached about Hebrews 11 and how the people that were described in Hebrews from the bible had chosen to listen to God. By them doing so, they saw the works of God come into great fulfillment.There is power in obedience. Maybe Jesus suggests a person to go right and the person decides to head left because the person feels more comfortable. It is important to obey God and by doing so one can see His glory at the designated time.