Friday, October 31, 2014

Author Mariela Rodriguez-First Experience With God

Author Mariela Rodriguez   

   I always believed there was a God. I grew up attending Sunday mass and going to simple spiritual retreats of one day. I grew up listening to people speaking in a whole different language very different than from the one's that are on this earth. That language is the heavenly language known as speaking in tongues. My mother had and still has that gift of speaking in tongues. I remember watching her dance in the spirit as well when the Holy Spirit touched her.

   I must say though, watching people dance in the spirit and speaking in tongues did frightened me a bit. It no longer does though, I know exactly why that happens. God works in mysterious ways that no man not even a scientist man can explain. I used to think that God had His favorite people. People, whom He just favored because they were supernaturally born with something He already had given them. I was wrong.

  When I encountered the Lord for the first time. I felt like a wind of love just blow me away with love, peace, happiness. Nothing and no one could ever make me feel the way God made me feel. He truly does a hold a special place in my heart. There are no words to explain the supernatural things I have experienced myself after I had my first encounter with Him. He is absolutely amazing. I can't forget to mention Jesus here. He was the one to come to this earth and teach us God's ways. He said that after He died we would not be left alone, that the Holy Spirit was going to be always with us. It all starts by believing without seeing God. The Holy Spirit can't be seeing but definitely can be felt.